Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bugging Out/Extended Camping Items

 <3 Join my new facebook group:Prepping Foods for tips and to post any questions!
Yes - you'll probably need a vehicle, cart, OR to cache some things at your BOL before SHTF. My blog on caches will help you (click!). I adore caches! Anyway, here's my list...

*Batteries - All Devices Same Size If Possible
*Collapsible Lantern
Air Freshener
Baby Items: Bottle, Pacifier, Sippy Cups, Skinny Spoon, Cloth Diapers, etc
Bar Soap Slivers
Bathroom/Kitchen Cleansers
Bear Spray (Multi Uses)
Bug Out Bag Foods
Camp Stove
Carabiners (Assorted)
Compass and Local Maps
Compression Sack(s)
Crank Radio
Dental Floss
Duct Tape and Gorilla Glue
Esbit Fuel Tabs
Esbit Pocket Stove
Extra Socks (Wicking)
Extra Underwear (Wicking)
Gallon Ziplock bags
Glow Sticks (asst - low light & long burn, high intensity, infared)
Gortex Sock Liners
Hand Sanitizer (Place Liquids In Gallon Ziplocks)
Hat, Bandana, Work Gloves, Sunglasses
Heirloom Seeds (light/small/lifesaving)
Hiking Shoes and Sandals For At Camp
If Needed, Climbing Gear
If Needed, Climbing Harness (under 1lb)
Individual First Aid Kit
Kerosene Lanterns
Knives - Multitool, etc
Light bulbs
Lightweight, Durable Bags - GHB, BOB, IFAK
Lightweight, Durable Towel
Lightweight, Durable Walking Stick
Long Handled Spork
Loud Hiking Whistle
Mini Fishing Kit
Money (For Personal SHTFs)
Non-leather Belt
Oil Lamps/fuel
Paracord Items
Sawyer Mini
Sewing Kit/Safety Pins
Shelter of your choice
Sleeping Bag
Solar Charger (best you can fit/afford - battery bank = epic)
SOS Pads/Pot Scrubber
Spare Parts and Equipment
Tarp (Ground Sheet)
Toilet Paper/Dried Baby Wipes
Trapping Wire
Trash Bags
Travel Size Bug Spray/Sunscreen
Travel Size Hygiene Kit
Two way radios
VAS Fire Kit / Extras
Water and Collapsible Water Jug/Bag
Water Bottle (fits Sawyer Mini)
Water Purification Tablets
Waterproof Watch
Zip Ties (several)

1 comment:

Thanks for being apart of the discussion, and as always, stay prepared.